A. Solutions and Reagents
- Xylene
- Ethanol (anhydrous denatured, histological grade 100% and 95%)
- Hematoxylin (optional)
- Fixative: For optimal fixative, please refer to the product data sheet
- 10% Neutral buffered formalin
- Acetone
- Methanol
- 16% formaldehyde
- 3% formaldehyde: To prepare, add 18.75 ml 16% formaldehyde to 81.25 ml 1X PBS.
- 10X Tris Buffered Saline (TBS): To Prepare 1 L add 24.2 g Trizma base (C4H11NO3) and 80 g sodium chloride (NaCl) to 1 L dH2O. Adjust pH to 7.6 with concentrated HCl.
- Wash buffer: 1X Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) To prepare 1 L add 100 ml 10X TBS to 900 ml dH2O.
- Methanol/Peroxidase: To prepare, add 10 ml 30% H2O2 to 90 ml methanol. Store at -20°C.
- Blocking Solution: 1X TBS/0.3% Triton-X 100/5% normal goat serum (#5425). To prepare: add 500 µl goat serum and 30 µl Triton-X 100 to 9.5 ml 1X TBS.
- Biotinylated Secondary Antibody.
- ABC Reagent: (Vectastain ABC Kit, Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA). Prepare according to manufacturer’s instructions 30 minutes before use.
- DAB Reagent or suitable substrate: Prepare according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
B. Sectioning
- For tissue stored at -80°C: remove from freezer and equilibrate at -20°C for approximately 15 minutes before attempting to section. This may prevent cracking of the block when sectioning.
- Section tissue at a range of 6-8 µm and place on positively charged slides.
- Allow sections to air dry on bench for a few minutes before fixing (this helps sections adhere to slides).
C. Fixation
NOTE: Consult product data sheet to determine the optimal fixative.
- After sections have dried on the slide, fix in optimal fixative as directed below.
- 10% Neutral buffered formalin: 10 minutes at room temperature. Proceed with staining procedure immediately.
- Cold acetone: 10 minutes at -20°C. Air dry. Proceed with staining procedure immediately.
- Methanol: 10 minutes at -20°C. Proceed with staining procedure immediately.
- 3% Formaldehyde: 15 minutes at room temperature. Proceed with staining procedure immediately.
- 3% Formaldehyde/methanol: 15 minutes at room temperature in 3% formaldehyde, followed by 5 minutes in methanol at -20°C (do not rinse in between). Proceed with staining procedure immediately.
D. Staining
- Wash sections in wash buffer twice for 5 minutes.
- Incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature in 3% H2O2 diluted in methanol.
- Wash sections in wash buffer twice for 5 minutes.
- Block each section with blocking solution for one hour at room temperature.
- Remove blocking solution and add 100-400 µl diluted primary antibody to each section. (Dilute antibody in blocking solution). Incubate overnight at 4°C. *Refer to product datasheet to determine the recommended dilution.
- Remove antibody solution and wash sections three times with wash buffer for 5 minutes each.
- Add 100-400 µl secondary antibody, diluted in blocking solution per manufacturer’s recommendation, to each section. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature.
- If using ABC avidin/biotin method, make ABC reagent according to the manufacturer’s instructions and incubate solution for 30 minutes at room temperature.
- Remove secondary antibody solution and wash sections three times in wash buffer for 5 minutes each.
- Add 100-400 µl ABC reagent to each section and incubate for 30 min. at room temperature.
- Remove ABC reagent and wash sections three times in wash buffer for 5 minutes each.
- Add 100-400 µl DAB or suitable substrate to each section and monitor staining closely.
- As soon as the sections develop, immerse slides in dH2O.
- If desired, counterstain sections in Hematoxylin per manufacturer’s instructions.
- Wash sections in dH2O two times for 5 minutes each.
- Dehydrate sections:
- Incubate sections in 95% ethanol two times for 10 seconds each.
- Repeat in 100% ethanol, incubating sections two times for 10 seconds each.
- Repeat in xylene, incubating sections two times for 10 seconds each.
- Mount coverslips.
posted January 2006
revised April 2006