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Can I isolate and fractionate RNA with the Cell Fractionation Kit #9038?

We have not attempted RNA isolation using the Cell Fractionation Kit #9038, as this is not the intended application. The buffers and protocol (centrifugation times, speed, temp, etc.) have not been optimized for RNA and none of the buffers are RNase-free. In addition, for RNA isolation, cell pellets need to be subsequently treated with TriZol, chloroform, and isopropanol. Even if the fractionation buffers were RNase-free, it is difficult to speculate if any components could possibly interfere with RNA isolation. RNA isolation is sensitive and can be tricky, therefore I would not recommend complicating the RNA extraction/isolation process by simultaneously fractionating cells for protein. There are separate RNA Subcellular Isolation Kits commercially available.

Last updated: February 27, 2024

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