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Can you provide a protocol for treating cells with UV?
We perform our UV treatments as follows:
- Adherent cells are cultured until they reach a confluence of approximately 80%.
- For the UV treatment:
- We remove the growth media from the plates and set it aside in a sterile container.
- Then, we treat the cells with UV using a crosslinker (e.g., UVP CX-2000 UV crosslinker). The covers are removed from the cell culture plates when placed in the crosslinker. The cells are treated with UV as recommended (e.g.., 100 mJ/cm2), regardless of the size of the culture dish (the UV amount is typed into the crosslinker, and the treatment/timing is done automatically based on the value inputted into the machine).
- Immediately after treatment, the media is replaced on the cells and the cells are allowed to recover in the incubator for the recommended time (e.g. 1-hour) before lysing.
- The cells are washed with ice-cold 1X PBS and lysed with your buffer of choice (we usually use 1X #7722 blue loading buffer SDS+DTT, but you may prefer to use 1X #9803 CLB + PMSF or other lysis buffers). We typically lyse a 15cm plate in 0.5mL - 1mL lysis buffer.
- The lysate is removed from the plates and sonicated on ice using a probe tip sonicator (3 times for 15 seconds each).
- If the samples are prepared in SDS +DTT lysis buffer, the lysate is boiled at 95 - 100C for 5 minutes before use.
Last updated: September 12, 2024
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