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Does your EGF Receptor (D38B1) XP® Rabbit mAb #4267 work for IHC on mouse samples?

We apologize for any confusion regarding our EGF Receptor (D38B1) XP® Rabbit mAb #4267 and its recommendation for IHC on human tissue only. The species reactivity at the top of the web page is determined by western blot. We have tested this clone on mouse tissue by IHC and found that it does not work very well despite being an excellent tool for the analysis of human tissue. For this reason, we added a note to the product's web page and datasheet under Sensitivity/Specificity indicating that for IHC and IF the species reactivity is human only. We would instead suggest our EGF Receptor (D1P9C) Rabbit mAb (Mouse Preferred) #71655 for use with mouse tissues.

Last updated: September 12, 2024

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