Does the performance of your Human ACE2 (18-615) Recombinant Protein (hFc-Tag) #38365 and Human ACE2 (18-652) Recombinant Protein (hFc-Tag) #99339 differ due to the expression system?
At this time, we have no data that suggests the expression platform matters for protein performance. Typically, the difference between expression systems is yield rather than performance. The main difference between these products is that the domains of the two proteins are different. The Human ACE2 (18-615) Recombinant Protein (hFc-Tag) #38365 spans amino acids 18-615, whereas the Human ACE2 (18-652) Recombinant Protein (hFc-Tag) #99339 spans amino acids 18-652. There is evidence suggesting that 18-652 is at least partially cleaved where 18-615 is not (this appears in their respective datasheets in the purity images). For that reason, depending on your assay, the Human ACE2 (18-615) Recombinant Protein (hFc-Tag) #38365 may be more appropriate.
Last updated: September 12, 2024
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