Why can't I detect LC3-I?
Our LC3 antibodies provide a good readout for autophagy, as indicated by changes in the abundance of LC3-II. However, our LC3 antibodies may have stronger reactivity with the type II (lipidated) forms as stated in the "specificity/sensitivity" sections of our LC3 antibody datasheets/webpages. In fact, this observation is characteristic to the target itself. Mizushima and Yoshimori T (2007) Autophagy 3(6), 542-5 (PMID: 17611390; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17611390) discusses the interpretation of LC3 western immunoblots and the common observation that many LC3 antibodies have stronger immunoreactivity with LC3-II versus LC3-I, particularly antibodies that recognize N-terminal epitopes (e.g., #2775, #3868, and other CST LC3 antibodies). It is believed that PE-conjugation leads to a conformational change that better exposes epitopes at the N-terminus of LC3.
Last updated: September 12, 2024
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