Why do you list the GTPase Assay Kits as 30 assays if there is only enough GDP/GTP for 10 assays?
Each GTPase Assay Kit provides enough reagents for 30 immunoprecipitations based on the amount of GST-fusion protein, Spin Cups, and Collection Tubes provided. The GTP and GDP is only enough for 10 assays. These two reagents are intended to be used as positive and negative controls alongside your own samples. For example, if working with a cell line treated with a compound to see if it would induce active Ras signaling (when using our Active Ras Detection Kit #8821, specifically), one would want to run these samples with GTP + GST-Raf1-RBD (positive control), GDP + GST-Raf1-RBD (negative control), and the samples + GST-Raf1-RBD to see if the treatment effectively induced active Ras compared to the positive control. In other words, GTP and GDP are usually not added to all 30 assays; 10 assays worth is typically an appropriate amount of these controls.
Last updated: September 12, 2024
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