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Why is the Rictor (D16H9) Rabbit mAb #9476 not approved for IP, while the Rictor (D16H9) Rabbit mAb (Sepharose Bead Conjugate) #5379 is approved for IP?

When the Rictor (D16H9) Rabbit mAb (Sepharose Bead Conjugate) #5379 and the Rictor (D16H9) Rabbit mAb #9476 were tested by IP, #5379 worked well, showing good target enrichment in the IP reactions and no target signal with beads alone or rabbit IgG control IP reactions. When #9476 was tested by IP (dilution 1:50) using magnetic beads, target signal was seen in all IP reactions, including the above mentioned negative controls. Considering this background issue, we decided not to approve #9476 for IP. It is possible that #9476 may perform by IP under some conditions, however we cannot recommend or guarantee it considering the background we have seen.

Last updated: September 12, 2024

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