Will the Non-phospho (Active) YAP (Ser127) (E6U8Z) Rabbit mAb #29495 cross-react with TAZ?
YAP and TAZ are co-expressed abundantly in every cell line that has been shown to be positive for either protein, and likewise, they are negative/low in the same cell lines (essentially, they appear to be quite "redundant" in their pattern of expression). They also have clear molecular weight differences (78 kDa for YAP versus 55 kDa for TAZ), and so it would be apparent if the antibody was detecting both YAP and TAZ. We have not observed evidence in any cell line of a band at 55 kDa when probing with the Non-phospho (Active) YAP (Ser127) (E6U8Z) Rabbit mAb #29495, leading us to conclude that the antibody is specific to YAP. If you look at other YAP-specific antibodies, you will sometimes see degradation products of YAP that may be mis-interpreted as TAZ. With our YAP/TAZ (D24E4) Rabbit mAb #8418, which detects both proteins (designed using TAZ antigen), you can clearly see both proteins at the expected molecular weights.
Last updated: September 12, 2024
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