Will your Cleaved PARP (Asp214) (D64E10) XP® Rabbit mAb #5625 also recognize the smaller PARP-1 fragments (40-55 kDa) that are generated during necrosis?
Our Cleaved PARP (Asp214) (D64E10) XP Rabbit mAb #5625 is designed to be specific for the large fragment (89 kDa) of human PARP1 protein that is produced by caspase cleavage at Asp214. As such, it specifically recognizes an epitope at the N-terminus of the large fragment that only becomes exposed upon caspase cleavage. Therefore, #5625 will not recognize the c-terminal PARP-1 fragments (55 and 42 kDa) that are generated during necrosis by lysosomal proteases [see Gobeil, S. et al. (2001) Cell Death Differ. 8, 588-94 (PMID: 11536009; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11536009)].
Unfortunately, we do not offer a PARP-1 antibody that will recognize both of the c-terminal PARP-1 fragments (55 and 42 kDa). Our PARP Antibody #9542 will not recognize either fragment; whereas, our PARP (46D11) Rabbit mAb #9532 may recognize the 55 kDa fragment, but not the 42 kDa fragment.
Last updated: September 12, 2024
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