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Can anti-rabbit or anti-mouse IgG HRP- or AP-linked secondary antibodies be used for IHC?

We have not attempted staining using Anti-rabbit IgG HRP-linked Antibody #7074, Anti-mouse IgG HRP-linked Antibody #7076, Anti-rabbit IgG AP-linked Antibody #7054 or Anti-mouse IgG AP-linked Antibody #7056 as the secondary reagent for IHC. It is unlikely that a secondary directly conjugated to horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase will provide sufficient signal in an IHC assay. Instead, we recommend our SignalStain Boost IHC Detection Reagents, HRP Rabbit #8114 and HRP Mouse #8125 or AP Rabbit #18653 and AP Mouse #31926. These are highly sensitive, polymer-based detection reagents designed for IHC assays.

Last updated: February 26, 2024

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